What Part of Speech is “WITH”

In written and verbal communication, the only usage of the word “with” is as a Preposition.

  1. Preposition

The word “with” is considered as a preposition because it is used to indicate associations, togetherness, and connections between things and people. It is also used to explain where objects are. For example, look at the sentence below:

He was with his mom when he saw me.

The word “with” shows that the pronoun “he” is together with “his mom,” and is therefore classified as prepositions.


a. accompanied by (another person or thing)

  • Example:
  • I ordered a Porterhouse steak with mashed potatoes.


b. possessing (something) as a feature or accompaniment

  • Example:
  • The guy with the leather jacket.


c. indicating the instrument used to perform an action

  • Example:
  • Remove it with a spatula.

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